Monday 13 February 2017

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Unilever. Premierminister und Kanzler-Tour Port Sunlight-Hub London - Premierminister David Cameron und Schatzkanzler George Osborne besuchte heute das Unilever-Drehkreuz in Port Sunlight, um zu sehen, wie Investitionen in Innovation, Fertigung und Informationstechnologie eine unvergleichliche globale Drehscheibe schaffen Das Herz des Nordwestens. Das Investitionsprogramm verstärkt die nachhaltige Wachstumsstrategie des Unternehmens im In - und Ausland und sieht die Eröffnung eines neuen globalen IT-Zentrums, die Schaffung einer neuen Körperpflegefabrik und mehrere neue RampD-Einrichtungen und - Initiativen mit Schlüsselpartnern, Instituten und Großbritannien Regierung. Die Investition hat dazu geführt, dass rund ein Drittel der Unternehmen 7.500 starke britische Arbeitskräfte jetzt in Port Sunlight, die historische Heimat von Unilever befindet. Der Ministerpräsident und Bundeskanzler wurden von Vertretern der Unilever UK auf einer Tour durch die neue State-of-the-Art-Fabrik begleitet, die im Laufe dieses Jahres als neues Zuhause für die Marken TRESemmeacute und Radox eröffnet wurde. Sie trafen sich auch mit Unilever-Auszubildenden, bevor sie an einem Mitarbeiter-Frage-und Antwort-Sitzung in der kürzlich abgeschlossenen IT-Zentrum, die sie offiziell eröffnet heute. Premierminister David Cameron sagte: Backing Geschäft zu schaffen und Arbeitsplätze schaffen eine robustere Wirtschaft ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unserer langfristigen Wirtschaftsplan. Unilevers Entscheidung zu investieren pound200 Millionen in ihre Port Sunlight Hub sichert Arbeitsplätze für die Zukunft und ist fantastische Neuigkeiten für die Region und eine Stimme des Vertrauens in Großbritannien. Unilever Großbritannien und Irland Executive Chairman, Graeme Pitkethly, sagte: Unilevers Präsenz in Port Sunlight geht zurück über 125 Jahre - es ist die historische Heimat unseres Unternehmens, die heute in mehr als 190 Ländern tätig ist. Mit alltäglichen Produkten und viel geliebten Marken, die hier produziert werden und in neun von zehn britischen Haushalten gefunden werden, wird unsere Investition in Unilever Port Sunlight von Pound200 Millionen eine Plattform für Wachstum schaffen, von der unser Geschäft in Großbritannien und auf der ganzen Welt profitieren kann kommen Sie. Wir freuen uns, dass wir die Gelegenheit hatten, dem Ministerpräsidenten und dem Schatzkanzler die getätigten Investitionen zu zeigen und Port Sunlights eine strategische Bedeutung für die Zukunft zu zeigen und das Lever-Erbe weiter auszubauen. Ein wesentliches Element des Investitionsprogramms ist die Entwicklung neuer Wissenschaften und Technologien. Um dies zu beschleunigen, wurden eine Reihe von Partnerschaften und Initiativen eingerichtet, Beispiele hierfür sind die Werkstoffinnovationsfabrik, das Advanced Manufacturing Centre und das Materials Institute. Diese sind im Einklang mit wichtigen strategischen Partnerschaften mit der University of Liverpool, Manchester University und Daresbury Institute, die Heimat einer der weltweit mächtigsten Computern. Hinweise für den Redakteur Unilever Port Sunlight ist die Heimat von Fabriken, die berühmte Marken wie Persil, Surf und Radox Unilever Port produzieren. Sunlight RampD Center ist die Heimat von über 800 Wissenschaftlern aus 20 Ländern, die an der Innovation der nächsten Generation von Home Care und Personal arbeiten Pflegeprodukte für Marken wie Dove, Persil, Comfort, TRESemmeacute und Domestos Die Investition umfasst den neu verlagerten globalen IT-Hub, das Enterprise und Technology Services ETS Center. Unilever hat 16 Millionen Pfund an die neue Werkstoff-Innovationsfabrik in Liverpool übergeben Die Ankündigung kommt, wie Unilever die Verdoppelung seiner Ausbildungsplätze auf etwa 130 berichtet, von denen dreißig im Hafen von Port Sunlight stationiert sind. 70 Prozent der Unilever-Produkte werden in Großbritannien hergestellt Im Vereinigten Königreich Adam Fisher, Unilever Corporate Media Relations 44 (0) 207 822 5082 oder adam. fisherunilever Katya Bridges UK amp Irland Media Relations ManagerBest Forex Trading Plattform in Pakistan tresemme Beste Forex Trading Plattform in Pakistan tresemme Offene Positionen). Einige Frauen können hohen Zuckervorn oder hohen Blutdruck haben. Analyse-System, wo mehr binäre Optionen Handel Optionen in Optionen rechts. Aber youll erhalten für Platorm bezahlt, dass die Gefahr. Wenn Sie einen binären Makler, der eine 75 belohnt auszahlt und tauschen Yen hkd 10 Rabatt auf Verluste, dann sind Sie gegen Tradign gleichen Chancen. 6 mM NaH 2 PO rresemme 0. 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Wir werden dies erreichen, indem wir unseren Lesern weiterhin Nachrichten, Ansichten und andere Formen von Information und Wissen zur Verfügung stellen. Dies wäre für die Leser profitieren sowie Genuss. Unsere Wurzeln im Alltag der Menschen in Verbindung mit unserem reichen kulturellen Erbe bilden die Basis unseres Wachstums in der Zukunft. Wir wollen eine Fülle von Erfahrungen mitbringen, um den sich ändernden Bedürfnissen und Wünschen unserer Partner und Leser gerecht zu werden. Unser anhaltender Erfolg hängt von den Menschen ab, die mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Unser Hauptanliegen ist es, sie dazu zu motivieren, ihr Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Wir bieten ihnen ein anregendes und kongeniales Umfeld für die Erfüllung ihrer beruflichen und kreativen Ziele. Dies ermöglicht es ihnen, ihr Bestes für die Organisation zu geben. Wir pflegen Kernwerte, die mit unseren Kunden, Mitarbeitern und der Gesellschaft, in der wir leben und arbeiten, die höchsten Standards des Unternehmensverhaltens erhalten. Dies ist das Credo für halten uns an der Spitze der indischen Unternehmen. Unsere Organisation. 1922 erschien Anandabazar Patrika als viertägige Abendtageszeitung, die an zwei Paaren verkauft wurde und eine Auflage von etwa 1000 Exemplaren pro Tag hatte. Fünfundachtzig Jahre später, erreicht Anandabazar Patrika bis zu sechs Millionen Leser, jeden Tag Heute hat die ABP-Gruppe zu einem Medienkonzern, dass elf premier Publikationen, drei 24-Stunden-nationale TV-Nachrichtenkanäle, ein führendes Buch Verlagsunternehmen hat entwickelt Sowie mobile und Internet-Eigenschaften. Berühren das Leben von Millionen von Lesern und Zuschauern, täglich. Wir glauben, das Vermächtnis Sie verlassen, ist das Leben, das Sie führen. Wir verstehen uns als Repositories von Best Practices und Prozessen. Und, manchmal, wenn wir nicht die besten innerhalb haben, öffnen wir Fenster, um Ausschau nach Fachwissen. Es überrascht nicht, dass ABP mit Unternehmen und Persönlichkeiten in der ganzen Welt verehrt wird. In der Welt des Journalismus sind wir nicht nur ein Medienhaus. Wir sind wirklich eine Alma Mater. Unsere Geschichte. Anandabazar Patrika kommt als viertägiger Abend. Ein Karikaturstreifen erscheint. Drucker Zeile erscheint (1. Juni) - eine Änderung des Press Act macht es zwingend erforderlich. Wird zu einem Sechs-Pager. Anandabazar Patrika wird ein Morgen täglich. Bindung an Reuters, verbundene Presse und die freie Presse von Indien. Ein zweiwöchiges Anandabazar beginnt für mufassil Leser. Erste Zeile erscheint: Unser spezieller Korrespondent. Anandabazar Patrika wird ein 16-seitiges Wunder. Ein neuer Samstagabschnitt, Shanibarer Chithi, beginnt. Es entwickelt sich zu Rabibashoriyo. Erste 120-seitige Sonderbeilage auf dem Kalkutta-Kongress - innerhalb von zwei Stunden ausverkauft. Zweite Auflage gedruckt auf Anfrage. Anandabazar Patrika startet seine erste Puja Sonderausgabe, Sharadiya shankhya. ABP Veranstaltungen. ABP VERANSTALTUNGEN Ananda Purashkar. Ausgezeichnet durch das Haus von Anandabazar, diese prestigeträchtige jährliche literarische Auszeichnung gefällt das Beste in der zeitgenössischen Schrift. Seine Anfänge können auf einen Kommentar von Annada Shankar Ray im Jahr 1957 zurückverfolgt werden, wo er das Fehlen einer preisgekrönten Literatur ratterte. Die anwesenden, als er seine Sorgen äußerte, schlossen Asoke Kumar Sarkar und Tushar Kanti Ghosh ein, die in die Tat angespornt wurden. Vier jährliche Auszeichnungen für das Beste in der Literatur wurden sofort eingeführt. Anandabazar Patrika, Hindusthan Standard und Desh verliehen gemeinsam zwei der Preise, während die beiden anderen von Amritabazar Patrika in Zusammenarbeit mit Yugantar eingesetzt wurden. Am 20. April 1958 wurden sieben Dichter und Schriftsteller geglückt, in einem Fall, der den Beginn einer neuen Ära in der bengalischen Literatur markierte. Anandabazar Patrika und Desh gaben gemeinsam zwei Auszeichnungen namens Ananda Purashkar in Erinnerung an Prafulla Kumar Sarkar und Suresh Chandra Majumdar, die Gründer von Anandabazar Patrika. Bibhuti Bhushan Mukhopadhyay und Samaresh Basu waren die ersten Preisträger. 1960 wurde Pramathanath Bishi, der Autor von Keri Saheber Munshi, den Prafulla Kumar Sarkar Award verliehen. Feier der Geburt Hundertjahrfeier von Rabindranath Tagore im Jahr 1962 wurde Pulin Behari Sen mit dem Saralabala Sarkar Smriti Purashkar ausgezeichnet. 1972, zur Erinnerung an 50 Jahre Anandabazar Patrika, wurden besondere Auszeichnungen an Buddhadeva Bose, Santosh Kumar Ghosh und Samaresh Basu gegeben. Feier des goldenen Jubiläums des Desh Magazins im Jahr 1984, erhielten Sukumar Sen, Sagarmoy Ghosh und Bimal Mitra die Asoke Kumar Sarkar Smriti Ananda Purashkar. Alle oben genannten Auszeichnungen zusammen verschmelzen in die Ananda Purashkar im Jahr 2000. Ranajit Guha war der Preisträger im Jahr 2009. ABP VERANSTALTUNGEN Sharad Arghya. Entsprechend der Marken-Mission von Anandabazar Patrika, die auf die Bereitstellung von Unterhaltung zusätzlich zu Nachrichten und Ansichten, innerhalb und außerhalb des Druckmediums betont, ist die Notwendigkeit für die Marke, um Ausdrücke jenseits der eigentlichen Zeitung ist der Hauptgrund für die Anandabazar Patrika Veranstaltungen. Sie spielen eine bedeutende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, die Marke mit den Konsumenten über das Produkt zu verbünden, sie haben sich auch in große Einnahmequellen verwandelt. Sharad Arghya Anandabazar Patrika Sharad Arghya ist eine jährliche Veranstaltung zu Ehren der Exzellenz in der Kunst und Handwerkskunst während der Durga Puja angezeigt. Die Veranstaltung findet über Kalkutta, Howrah und die Kreisstädte Kharagpur-Midnapore, Durgapur-Asansol und Siliguri statt. Kategorien für Auszeichnungen beinhalten Best Puja, Best Idol, Best Pandal und Best Illumination. Darüber hinaus gibt es Auszeichnungen für beste Arbeit der Literatur und Best Album veröffentlicht während der festlichen Jahreszeit. Über 500 Einreichungen wurden von Kalkutta allein, im Jahr 2005. Die Beurteilung erfolgt durch eine Gruppe von Prominenten-Experten. ABP VERANSTALTUNGEN The Telegraph Christmas Eve und 31. Nite. Niemand in Kalkutta feiert das Jahresende besser als The Telegraph. Verbunden mit den besten Clubs in der Stadt, sind The Telegraph Christmas Eve und Silvester-Partys nicht nur die begehrtesten, sondern auch Flair und Feuer, um die Stadtpartying Geist. Der Royal Calcutta Golf Club, der Saturday Club, der Calcutta Swimming Club, das Dalhousie Institute, der Calcutta Club, der Calcutta Cricket Football Club und der Space Circle gehören zu den Vereinen. Weltmeisterschaft Fußball. Dies ist, wo die sportlichen Stalwarts von Calcuttas Corporate Liga schlug es über einen Fußball. Dieses fünf-a-side-Turnier wird über 21 Tage unter Scheinwerfern ausgetragen - mit den Teams, die es für die Main Plate, Losers Plate und Bowl Plate kämpfen. Große Organisationen, darunter Banken, Werbeagenturen, FMCG-Riesen und Telekom-Unternehmen, unter anderem für die Trophäe konkurrieren, mit über 10.000 Fußball-Fans jubeln und unterstützen. Ausstellungsspiele mit Prominenten fügen der Aufregung hinzu. Der Kalkutta Cricket Football Club ist der Austragungsort für dieses Turnier. Das Telegraph-Schalen-Kricket für Korporate. The Telegraph Cup Indoor Cricket für Unternehmen. Der Fernschreiber Hand In Hand. ABP EVENTS INFOCOM, die jährliche Informations - und Kommunikationstechnologie (ICT) Konferenz und Ausstellung wurde im Jahr 2002 unter dem Banner der Businessworld, Indias führenden Wirtschaftsmagazin. Im Laufe der letzten sieben Episoden der Veranstaltung hat es sich als eine der größten Plattformen im Land, wo die IT-Experten und Gurus der Unternehmenswelt interagieren mit Business-Anwender und Entscheidungsträger mit dem Ziel, die Unternehmen mit IT für mehr Vorteil . INFOCOM zeigt aufstrebende Chancen im IKT-Sektor und bietet gleichzeitig eine hochwertige Netzwerkplattform für die größte Versammlung von IKT-Spezialisten, politischen Entscheidungsträgern und Branchenführern auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Die Veranstaltung hat immer die Teilnahme aus Indien und dem Ausland mit namhaften Führungskräften aus Unternehmen wie SAP, Intel, Sun Microsystems, IBM, Nortel Networks, EMC, Texas Instruments, Nokia, APC, Cognizant, TCS und vielem mehr zusammengebracht. Some of the panelists over the years, have included distinguished names like Mr. James Duckworth of Unilever, Mr. Harris Miller, President of the IT Association of America, Mr. Rajat Gupta of Mckinsey, Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. ex-President of India, Mr. K V Kamath of ICICI Bank and many more. In its seventh year INFOCOM 08-09, held in Calcutta brought together participation from over 1200 delegates, 70 speakers, 125 exhibitors, 60,000 visitor footfalls and over 40 sponsors from IT and business. Over the years INFOCOM has seen international participation from countries like Malaysia, Taiwan, China, Korea, Turkey, Australia, Bangladesh, UK, Germany and others. Various sub brands under the mother brand of INFOCOM have been initiated over the years: INFOCOM CXO Golf INFOCOM Quizzit INFOCOM Future Leadership Awards INFOCOM CXO Roundtable INFOCOM ICT in Healthcare The Telegraph Knowhow Innovation Hub TTIS Knowledge Workshop The Telegraph Auto Weekend Carnival The Telegraph Jobs Mart The Telegraph IT Edufair INFOCOM 09-10 is slated to be held in Calcutta between January 20 - 23, 2010. The three day conference will be held at the ITC Sonar and the four day exhibition will be held at the Salt Lake stadium grounds. For more details you may visit indiainfocom . ABP EVENTS Sananda Tilottama. Sananda Tilottama, the largest and best-known beauty pageant of eastern India celebrates its 13th year in 2009. The best of beauty, brains and talent from all over take part in this contest. Previous years have seen preliminary rounds held in Guwahati, Jamshedpur and Calcutta. After receiving over 3000 applications from all over the country, the finalists are chosen. This is followed by a rigorous month long grooming session. Each finalist is given a complete makeover in addition to workshops on diction, etiquette, dancing skills, make-up and hair styling during this grooming period. The best names in the fashion and beauty industry are associated with training the contestants of Sananda Tilottama. The grand finale sees the contestants battling it out for the final crown. The girls are judges on the basis of their walk on the ramp in western casual, Indian and evening gowns in addition to the question and answer rounds with the judges. This glittering evening has seen the likes of Shobhaa De, Meher Jesia, Vandana Luthra, Rituparna Sengupta, Zulfi Syed, Rajiv Khandelwal, Nethra Raghuraman among others being given the tough task of choosing the three winners of the evening. Neeraj Sreedhar of Bombay Vikings, Alisha Chinai and Kavitha Krishnamurthy have also performed at the grand finales of Sananda Tilottama. To know more log on to tilottama. in Desh Debate. ABP EVENTS Anandalok Purashkar. Anandalok Purashkar is an award ceremony felicitating personalities from Mumbai and Calcutta in various fields of entertainment. In the year 2008, Anandalok Puroshkar also witnessed a Red Carpet ceremony for the glitterati for the first time in Calcutta. The event witnessed a galaxy of stars from all various parts of the country and a wide spectrum of the entertainment industry. Some prominent faces present in the award ceremony receiving and handing over the awards include Zoya Akhtar, Rani Mukherji, Prachi Desai, Aparajita Ghosh Das, Hiran, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Madhabi Mukherjee among others. ABP EVENTS The Telegraph Education Foundations Annual School Awards for Excellence. The Telegraph Education Foundations Annual School Awards for Excellence are given to students, teachers and institutions that have defied all odds to achieve great triumphs in the field of education. Heroic tales of courage and determination come to light when the awardees walk on to the stage to collect their awards. The event salutes young achievers who have made life better for themselves and their families. Scholarships are given to deserving participants, while lifetime achievement awards are given to teachers. Award categories for schools include The School that Looks Beyond, The School that Cares, The Best in Co-curricular Activities and The School of the Year, among others. Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and NR Narayana Murthy are amongst the distinguished few who have taken time out to grace this occasion ABP EVENTS The Great TTIS Challenge. Scholarships are given to deserving participants, while lifetime achievement awards are given to teachers. Award categories for schools include The School that Looks Beyond, The School that Cares, The Best in Co-curricular Activities and The School of the Year, among others. Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and NR Narayana Murthy are amongst the distinguished few who have taken time out to grace this occasion. Serious competition marks the prelims with a Fusion Dance, Fashion Parade, Antakshari, Street Play, Western Music, Eastern Solo, Unconventional Orchestra and the Mock-a-Band. The festivities get underway with a treasure hunt, a Beyblade championship, jugglers, fire-eaters and face painting. A flood of individual and team entries pour in for Creative Writing, Collage, T-shirt painting, Tug-of-War, Flower Arrangement, Cartoon Drawing and Sudoku. All eyes are on the Champion of Champions crown that goes to the best all-rounder school. Apart from mega prizes, the winner is also adjudged the TTIS Face of the Year. The Telegraph won the coveted SNAP certificate in 2003 for printing excellence. Soon after, both The Telegraph and Anandabazar Patrika won the SNAP certificate in the year 2005. The mission of the Specifications for Newsprint Advertising Production (SNAP) committee is to develop and communicate specifications to improve coldset reproduction quality. These specifications are for advertisers, agencies and publishers, customers as well as for prepress, materials, newspapers and printers to help make the coldset industry competitive in world markets. ABP became the first non-US company to win two top awards, SNAP and IFRA, for printing excellence. The Telegraph in Schools was awarded the prestigious World Young Reader Prize by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) in 2004. WAN awards the World Young Reader Prize annually to any newspaper or newspapers that devise the most innovative educational projects or activity that helps develop young readership. The Telegraph was the first Indian newspaper to be awarded membership to the prestigious IFRA - International Newspaper Colour Quality Club (INCQC) for excellence in colour printing for the year 2004-2006. ABP achieved the feat again by being awarded membership for 2006-2008 for both Anandabazar Patrika and The Telegraph. The Telegraph won Bronze for the Best in Print in Single Width category at the Asia Media Awards in 2005. The event is the publishing industries platform for recognising and rewarding excellence, creativity and innovation among the newspapers and magazines in Asia. Awards are presented to deserving individuals and organisations that make outstanding contribution to the publishing community. The Telegraph bags gold for the Best Printed Newspaper Award at the Asia Media Awards, the most prestigious prize in Asia in printing quality in newspapers, in 2006. The awards are instituted by IFRA (Germany), the worlds leading organisation of newspaper and media publishing. ABP has been felicitated with the award for outstanding contribution to the IT industry in West Bengal in 2007, conferred by Webel. The award is in recognition of its efforts to bring about change in the IT scenario in the last five years through INFOCOM, its premier event. This is the first time any organisation has been honoured with this award and is also the first time the West Bengal government has officially recognised such a contribution. The Telegraph wins Gold for being the best printed English daily, while Anandabazar Patrika wins Silver for being the best printed non-English daily at the 4th National Awards for Excellence in Printing, organised by the All India Federation of Master Printers, New Delhi and hosted by the West Bengal Master Printers Association in 2008. Board of Directors Vice Chairman and Editor Emeritus Aveek Sarkar, the Vice Chairman of the ABP Group of Publications and Editor Emeritus, is one of the most prominent personalities in the Indian publishing scene. It could be said with all justification that editorial work is in his genes. Both his father and his grandfather were distinguished editors. Aveek Sarkar started training as a journalist while he was a student, just out of school. Once he had finished his graduation from the University of Calcutta he went to Britain for further training. In Britain, he was tutored by the legendary Harold Evans, then the editor of The Sunday Times. Back in India, as the Chief Editor of the ABP Group, he was the moving force behind the transformation of the ABP Group of Publications from a regional house into a prominent national group. He led the groups entry into television by acquiring Star News, which he refashioned into ABP News with separate channels in Bengali, ABP Ananda, and in Marathi, ABP Majha. His most recent achievement in the realm publishing is a joint venture with Fortune magazine. Under his stewardship, Fortune India has become the latest addition to the ABP bouquet of publications. Aveek Sarkar is a man of rich and varied interests. He has one of the finest collections of paintings by contemporary Indian artists as well as a unique set of paintings dating to the period of the Dutch East India Company. Books, food, wine and art are his four principal loves. He is a keen golfer and is currently the captain of the Royal Calcutta Golf Club. His commitment is to excellence and the upholding and furthering of the tradition he has inherited. Dipankar Das Purkayastha Managing Director CEO Mr. D. D. Purkayastha is the Managing Director CEO of ABP. He oversees strategy and operations of the ABP Group. He is a Cost and Management Accountant. Previously, as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, he headed Finance, IT, Supply Chain and Secretarial Legal functions of the company. Mr. Purkayastha has spent 35 years in the Media Industry. He is the Chairman of INFOCOM, the countrys largest ICT exposition. INFOCOM was recognized by the Government of West Bengal in 2005 for the Outstanding Contribution to the IT Industry in West Bengal. Mr. Purkayastha is regarded as a veteran in the IT Industry in India. He is on the Board of MCCS, the Broadcasting Company of ABP News, ABP Ananda and ABP Majha News Channels. Under Mr. Purkayasthas leadership ABP has grown to be the largest reached News Media of the country. He has also led ABP to be the most diversified Media Company of the country. ABPs TV News Bouquet has the highest viewership among all Indian News Channels. Globally, he is on the Board of WAN-IFRA, the largest Association of Newspaper companies having 18000 members worldwide. He is also the Chairman of WAN-IFRAs Advisory Council, being the first Asian to Chair. Ranjit Pandit Ranjit Pandit was Managing Director at General Atlantic. General Atlantic is a leading private equity firm with over 1 billion invested in India and 15 billion worldwide. He was earlier Chairman of McKinsey Company in India. He has been one of the co-founders of McKinseys Indian practice that was established in 1992. He led the practice for 11 years as Managing Director between 1997 - 2005 and as Chairman between 2005 - 2007. He has also serverd a variety of governments and regulatory bodies on policy. R Gopalakrishnan R. Gopalakrishnan (Gopal to his friends) has been a professional manager from 1967 onwards: 31 years in Unilever and 15 years in TATA. He had served in Jeddah as Chairman of Unilever Arabia, in Bangalore as Managing Director of Brooke Bond Lipton India, and finally as Vice Chairman of Hindustan Lever. Currently, he is Director, Tata Sons Ltd, Chairman of Tata Auto-Component Systems and Rallis India, and the Vice Chairman of Tata Chemicals. He serves on the boards of Tata Power, Tata Technologies, Akzo Nobel India and BP Castrol India. Gopal studied physics at St Xaviers Calcutta, engineering at IIT Kharagpur and attended the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School. He is a Past President of All India Management Association. He has delivered guest lectures in India and abroad. He has taught an unusual course entitled LWNT-Learning Whats Not Taught at B-schools. He has written about 200,000 words through papers and articles in newspapers and journals. He has authore best-selling books, some of which have been translated into Chinese, Hindi and Tamil. 2007, The Case of the Bonsai Manager: lessons for managers on intuition . Penguin. 2010, when the penny drops: learning what is not taught . Penguin. 2012, WHAT THE CEO REALLY WANTS FROM YOU: the 4 As for managerial success . Harper Collins India. 2013, A COMMA IN A SENTENCE: the extra-ordinary story of an ordinary family over six generations . RUPA Rainlight Publications. Shobha Subrahmanyan Shobha Subrahmanyan joined ABP Pvt Ltds marketing division in 1979 after eight years with what was then one of the countrys largest advertising agencies, Clarion McCann. Over the years, she headed several functions, from marketing to circulation and manufacturing. She became the companys CEO in 1992 and Managing Director in 1998. She was President of the Indian Newspaper Society for 1999-2000, and Chairperson of United News of India, a leading news agency, in the same year. She has also served on the Asian Board of IFRA, the international association of newspapers, for several years. She retired from ABP in 2000, but has remained on the board ever since. She served as a Director on the Board of Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, the largest publisher of English fiction in India, from 1989 until 2013. Chandan Majumdar Director, Sales Chandan Majumdar who joined ABP as a Management Accountant in 2000, has worked in various positions including General Manager, Finance between 2003 and 2005, before going on to becoming Vice-President of the flagship Anandabazar Patrika. At present he is a Director, overseeing the Sales function. He began his career as a chartered accountant with A. F. Ferguson Company in 1988. He joined Tata Steel in 1989 as Deputy Manager, finance, leaving the group briefly to serve as Regional Accounts Head for Larsen and Toubro Ltd. Thereafter, he returned as Finance Manager for Tata Ryerson, between 1997 and 2000. Debabrata Mukherjee (Debu) leads the Marketing and Commercial function Coca-Cola India and South West Asia. He has more than 21 years of experience in the area of Strategic Planning and in Sales and Marketing operations. Debabrata Mukherjee (Debu) leads the Marketing and Commercial function Coca-Cola India and South West Asia. He has more than 21 years of experience in the area of Strategic Planning and in Sales and Marketing operations. After a four year stint as an Area Manager with Unilever India, he joined Coca-Cola in 1998 as their Franchise Manager for Mumbai. He played a lead role in setting up the sales and distribution operations in Mumbai as Sales Manager and then helped turn around the Delhi business as General Manager. In 04, he moved to Marketing and handled roles of increasing responsibility. He managed all the Sparkling Flavor brands and oversaw the Integrated Marketing and Communications function as well before relocating to Seoul to head the Marketing function of the Coca-Cola Korea business. He played a key role in restoring growth momentum to the business and successfully launched Georgia coffee and glaceau vitamin water. In Jan 2011, he returned to the country to lead the Strategy, Still Beverages and Innovation function and provided strong strategic leadership to the business. He took over the reins of the marketing and commercial function of Coca-Cola in late 2013 and is responsible for all the advertising, communications and media partnerships for The Coca-Cola Company in India. As the Head of Marketing amp Commercial functions at Coca-Cola India and South-West Asia, Debu is now focused on making the brand Coca-Cola brand tonality more inclusive using the Companys Liquid amp Linked model - for content curation. Besides that, he also has the onerous responsibility of keeping the countrys top two soft drink brands Thums Up and Sprite at their perch. Maaza, Minute Maid, Kinley, Schweppes, Limca, Fanta, Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero all unique, iconic and cult brands, are other suitors of his time. He is very active in the marketing community and has spoken in multiple industry forums. He also holds a directorial position in the Audit Bureau of Circulations. He was awarded with the Best Marketer of the year Award for 2014 in the beverage category by the International Advertising Association. (India Chapter) Debu has a degree in Economics from Presidency College, Kolkata and holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Kolkata. Top Management Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr. D. D. Purkayastha is the Managing Director CEO of ABP. He oversees strategy and operations of the ABP Group. He is a Cost and Management Accountant. Previously, as Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer, he headed Finance, IT, Supply Chain and Secretarial Legal functions of the company. Mr. Purkayastha has spent 35 years in the Media Industry. He is the Chairman of INFOCOM, the countrys largest ICT exposition. INFOCOM was recognized by the Government of West Bengal in 2005 for the Outstanding Contribution to the IT Industry in West Bengal. Mr. Purkayastha is regarded as a veteran in the IT Industry in India. He is on the Board of MCCS, the Broadcasting Company of ABP News, ABP Ananda and ABP Majha News Channels. Under Mr. Purkayasthas leadership ABP has grown to be the largest reached News Media of the country. He has also led ABP to be the most diversified Media Company of the country. ABPs TV News Bouquet has the highest viewership among all Indian News Channels. Globally, he is on the Board of WAN-IFRA, the largest Association of Newspaper companies having 18000 members worldwide. He is also the Chairman of WAN-IFRAs Advisory Council, being the first Asian to Chair. Mr. Purkayastha is the Vice President of the International Newsmedia Association (INMA) South Asia, taking over the Presidency in November, 2014. The Association has strong presence in the Americas, Asia and Australasia. Vice President and Head Anandabazar Patrika Mr. Supriyo Sinha is Vice President Bengali Dailies, and heads the two Bengali dailies from the ABP group - Anandabazar Patrika and Ebela. He has joined the ABP group after 9 years of experience as a management consultant with McKinsey Company. He has worked in the financial services and industrial operations sectors with deep functional knowledge in organization and leadership development. Prior to his experience at McKinsey, he worked with Hindustan Unilever. Mr. Sinha is a gold medalist from IIM Calcutta and was the first rank holder in the West Bengal Higher Secondary Examination. He is an avid wildlife fan and has travelled across the most renowned national parks across Africa and India. HISTORY STATUS Anandabazar Patrika first appeared on March 13, 1922 the day of Holi, as an evening daily, printed in red ink. It was a four-pager, priced at two paise and had a first-day circulation of a thousand copies. The newspapers red ink led to the contemporary English daily, The Englishman terming it a danger signal. With its unshakeable patriotic stance, it soon became very popular. Unbiased views, constructive criticism, indomitable courage and an uncompromising attitude were just a few aspects, which went on to make Anandabazar Patrika the voice of Bengal. Its popularity reached new heights when, in 1954, the Press Commission report declared Anandabazar Patrika to be the largest circulated newspaper in the country, published from one location. The No.1 Bengali daily is published from various locations today. Spawning a veritable legion of journalists, Anandabazar Patrika boasts of dedicated readers, worldwide. It is the only Bengali daily to cross 1.2 million in circulation. Over the years, Anandabazar Patrika has achieved many milestones along the way it was the first in the east and one of the first in the country to use offset printing. Anandabazar Patrikas landmark coverage on, among others, Rabindranath Tagores death, Netajis miraculous escape from detention, Mahatma Gandhis death and the Nandaghunti expedition (a project patronised by the ABP Group itself) is legendary. Other firsts for the daily include mechanising a non-Roman language to create the Bengali-Hindi typewriter. Driven by its commitment to preserve the highest standards in Bengali language and culture, Anandabazar Patrika devised a way to use the complete set of Bengali characters in the word processing software, a decade before Unicode, a more advanced method of computer writing, was introduced. It also published, along with Desh, the first large-scale readership survey in 1963, nine years before the first National Readership Survey (NRS) syndicated research was commissioned. In 2006, Anandabazar Patrika became the only Bengali daily to be declared a Consumer Superbrand in the second edition of Consumer Superbrands India. Anandabazar Patrika has two editions Calcutta and Mumbai. In addition, it has seven district splits within West Bengal, on six days of the week Uttar Banga (North Bengal), Bardhaman, Bankura-Birbhum-Puruliya, Nadia-Murshidabad, Medinipur, Dakshin Banga (South Bengal) and Kolkata (Calcutta). It also has city splits in the form of four weekly tabloids for Calcutta and its neighbouring areas Uttar Kolkata (North Calcutta), Dakshin Kolkata (South Calcutta), Purbo Kolkata (Salt Lake) and Howrah. There is also an internet edition of Anandabazar Patrika and anandautsav, the puja website. In addition to its city split Kolkata, it offers supplements like Patrika on Saturdays, Rabibashoriyo on Sundays, Prastuti on alternate Mondays and Kajer Bazar on Tuesdays. Total readership: 72,95,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) Readership in Calcutta: 30,61,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) Total circulation (Calcutta and Mumbai editions): 12,77,801 (Audit Bureau of Circulations July December 08) SUBSCRIPTION HISTORY STATUS The Telegraph was born on July 7, 1982. Edwin Taylor, design director of Sunday Times, London designed the newspaper, setting fresh standards in design and editing that acquired many admirers and later, followers. It is today, eastern Indias largest circulated and read English newspaper. The Telegraphs readership in Calcutta itself is greater than that of all its competitors combined. With an editorial policy that supports, among others, secularism and a free state, The Telegraph today is widely regarded as an emblem of everything a modern newspaper should be. Coupled with a long tradition of talented journalists, The Telegraph has always been in the thick of things be it breaking news, unearthing scoops or investigating news. It takes up issues, makes the reader think and puts them in touch with the best of minds. The Telegraph, apart from being a thought leader is also an innovator. The Telegraph was the first to put sports news on the front page. It was the first newspaper in free India to dethrone the existing market leader a feat that was accomplished within a mere 10 years. It was the first sectionalised newspaper, the first modular designed daily, the first to have pull-outs every day (Metro, Careergraph and other sub brands), the first general interest daily with separate sections on sports and business, the first with a separate leisure section, with crosswords and comics, the first with a 32-page colour magazine on Sundays (much earlier than leading national English dailies), the first to use run-of-press colour and the first in India to win prestigious global print awards like the SNAP and IFRA. The Telegraph is the first Indian newspaper to be available on WAP - enabled phones worldwide. The Telegraph is also available as an e-paper at epaper. telegraphindia. Theres always something for everyone with The Telegraph supplements city news in TT Metro on all days, career opportunities in Jobs on Tuesdays, childrens entertainment in Telekids on Wednesdays, education and career guidance in Careergraph on Thursdays, lifestyle, travel and general interest features on weekends with Personal TT on Saturdays, Graphiti, the colour magazine on Sundays. Moreover, the technology and knowledge section, Knowhow, now comes with the main paper. The Telegraph has five editions: Calcutta edition South Bengal edition North Bengal edition Northeast edition (Guwahati split) Jharkhand edition (Jamshedpur, Jharkhand and Ranchi splits) In addition to this, there are two weekly tabloids for Calcuttas neighbouring areas Salt Lake and Howrah. The Telegraph has recently launched a school edition a sixteen-pager with a special section, Teen TT, to connect with young minds. T2 is the latest addition to The Telegraph stable. A snazzy, 16-page all colour tabloid which talks about fashion, food, films, television, arts, culture and everything young. This is available with The Telegraph everyday except Monday in Calcutta. Total readership: 14,08,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) Readership in Calcutta: 7,46,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) Total circulation: 4,84,971 (Audit Bureau of Circulations July December 08) SUBSCRIPTION HISTORY STATUS The Bengali newspaper market was historically dominated by Anandabazar Patrika. However, it was becoming increasingly difficult to engage the young audience through Anandabazar Patrika or any other Bengali newspaper for that matter. This was critical because the young generation of today would drive the economy over the next several decades. Therefore the ABP group launched a new Bengali daily EBELA - designed to meet the needs of the new generation, in terms of both content and presentation. The target group of the brand is anyone in the age group of 20-40 years who is young-at - heart and can read Bengali. EBELA, the new morning daily in tabloid format, was launched by the ABP Group on September 17, 2012. It has broken the myth that the new generation is averse to reading regional language newspapers. The refreshing, sleek and smart forward content of EBELA is building a young readership base. The positioning line of EBELA is Ami Amar Mato (in English it means I am what I want to be). This mirrors the psyche of Indias new generation which is youngat-heart, free spirited, positive, forward-looking, colourful, bold and brimming with energy. The product also reflects this spirit. An all new tabloid format (a first of its kind for a full-fledged morning newspaper in Eastern India), a colourful design, visual connotations of the stories and a perfect blend of news, views and entertainment have made this daily an immediate hit with all those who are young in mind and not just age. EBELA, the 32 page daily has 3 major sections Ebela (hard news), Obela (entertainment and lifestyle news covering a wide range of topics viz Fashion, Food, Music and Movies) and Khela (Sports). Ebela is characterized by its unique first page which portrays unique stories through interesting illustrations. Not only that, it also has extensive national and international news. It also has 50-60 snippet news daily for a fast update in the morning. Obela, the 12 page entertainment pull out section, brings all the latest gossips from Hollywood, Tollywood and Bollywood. From Shahrukh Khan to Sunny Leone, Prasenjit Chatterjee to Koel Mullick, one gets to know about all their favourite stars in Obela. Not only films, it also has other interesting contents like:- graphic novels on popular characters of Bengali literature viz Byomkesh, Feluda, Kakababu etc Sudoku weather updates tips on fashion, cooking and personal care. Its 8 pager sports section caters news from different fields like cricket, football, formula 1, tennis, golf, chess and others. Ebela extensively uses graphic illustrations to present sports news a feature that is unique in this media space. EBELA has won many accolades over the years. In 2013, It won the bronze medal across all national brands including print, radio, tv and digital at Pitch Youth Marketing Awards. Ebela also played a pivotal role in making India the WAN-IFRA (World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers) Young Reader Country of the year 2013. EBELA has two editions Kolkata and South Bengal which is available in Kolkata and key towns of West Bengal. It is also present in the digital space in form of the website (ebela. in) and a vibrant facebook page. SUBSCRIPTION HISTORY STATUS Playing a role in shaping the cultural ethos of Bengalis over the years, Desh magazine has been the epitome of Bengali language and literature in India. Desh - born on November 24, 1933, is the second publication from the house of Anandabazar. A fortnightly, the magazine covers trends in literature, arts, science current affairs and philosophy. Some renowned literary figures, both past and present, associated with Desh include Rabindranath Tagore, Bibhuti Bhushan Bandopadhyay, Tara Shankar Bandopadhyay, Manik Bandopadhyay, Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay, Jibanananda Das, Bishnu De, Subrata Gupta, Tarapada Ray, Sanjeeb Chattopadhyay, Himanish Goswami, Shibram Chakraborty, Samaresh Basu, Samaresh Majumdar, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay, Joy Goswami and Amartya Sen. An all-colour magazine since 2003, Desh encompasses an array of features from Ei Shamay, Shei Shamay, Probondho, Chhoto Golpo, Dharabahik Upanyash, Kabita, Shilpa-Sanskriti, Granthalok and Letters to the Editor. Desh also brings forth special issues such as one on the Calcutta Book Fair, apart from Chhoto Golpo, Binodan, Sahitya sankhya, the Subarno Jayanti issue, brought out to commemorate 50 years of the magazine and the Puja annual. Desh turned 75 in 2008. The Desh reader is the magazines strongest asset. The familiarity between the readers and the magazine runs deep enough for the association to be passed down generations. Today it has become more than just a magazine it has become an institution. Circulation: 92,157 (Audit Bureau of Circulations July December 08) Readership: 5,35,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) Boier Desh A quarterly publication, Boier Desh was launched in January 2005. Comprehensive book reviews, previews of forthcoming books, interviews of famous personalities related to books and publishing, national and international book-lists constitute this delightful compendium. The immense popularity of Granthalok, the book reviews section of Desh led to the need for a magazine, which would revolve around books exclusively, and Boier Desh was born as a result. Boier Desh aims to inculcate the habit of reading among the present generation, instilling in them a drive to read books in an age when they are volleyed with new forms of entertainment, every day. Boier Desh boasts of an enviable body of writers, some of whom include Ramapada Chowdhury, Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Taslima Nasreen and Paritosh Sen. SUBSCRIPTION HISTORY STATUS Anandamela is the most widely read Bengali childrens magazine. With an enduring appeal across genders and age groups, it continues to celebrate the glory of companionship with its readers during their growing-up years. From science to sports, fiction to comics, adventure to astronomy the magazine caters to the needs of a childs psyche. Though the magazine was launched in April 1975, its roots can be traced back to Anandamela the childrens section in Anandabazar Patrika, as early as 1940. Its sheer popularity kicked off the launch of Anandamela the magazine. The noted film-maker Satyajit Ray, also a celebrated graphic designer of his time, designed its masthead. Anandamelas features range from short stories to novels, poems to comics, sports to science, crosswords to riddles and travel. Celebrated contributors include Satyajit Ray, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay among others. A range of characters such as Rays Professor Shonku and Premendra Mitras Ghanada shot to fame from the pages of Anandamela. Other characters include Sunil Gangopadhyays Kakababu, Samaresh Basus Gogol, Samaresh Majumdars Arjun, Bimal Kars Kikira and Moti Nandis Kalabati. Anandamela has also been home to Saradindu Bandopadhyays Sadashiv and the foot-balling exploits of Roy of Rovers. The relaunch in July, 2003, presented a new-look, monthly Anandamela. Anandamela was the first all-colour childrens magazine and the first to translate the immensely popular Tintin and Asterix into Bengali. Circulation: 48,643 (Audit Bureau of Circulations July December 08) Readership: 4,77,000 (National Readership Survey 2006) HISTORY STATUS The Telegraph in Schools (TTIS) is Indias largest standalone newspaper by and for school students. The newspaper is a movement built around a weekly 16-page newspaper that is written by students and is for students. At its heart lies a 600-strong force of Tiger reporters who, with the training and guidance from the editorial team, decide the content of the newspaper. TTIS gives students the platform to participate in producing the publication by giving a first hand training to the students to conduct an interview, reporting, reviewing, writing and editing. TTIS teaches the young to have a voice through the sections like letters to the editor, open forum, big question and more. TTIS is spun around the tagline A head start for growing minds, thus instilling in each student the will to be a confident individual as they grow to be the future citizens of the country. TTIS continuously works upon involving the student fraternity, making them confident and enterprising individuals by constant motivation. Events, workshops and activities are an important part of TTIS as students come together and participate, encouraging the feeling of sharing and caring irrespective of their backgrounds. A variety of events come under the platforms of TTIS Sports, TTIS Brains, TTIS Fun, TTIS Care, TTIS Celebrations. Apart from events and activities, TTIS has made its presence strongly felt through radio, sms, websites, books and school contact programmes. School coverage, helplines, self-improvement tips, inspirational stories, quizzes, posters, crosswords and games are some of the essential content of this tabloid. From awarding deserving schools, teachers and students at The Telegraph School Awards for Excellence to sending students across the border for a historic trip to Pakistan, TTIS has done it all. TTIS has a strong community of 350 schools, 500 principals, 1000 teacher coordinators, 300 Tiger and Cub Reporters. In 2004, TTIS was awarded the prestigious World Young Reader prize by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN), an agency that represents 18,000 publications worldwide and annually rewards new and unique initiatives for attracting young readers to newspapers. One of TTIS most significant successes has been its phenomenal growth since 2005. From an average circulation per issue of 16,028 in 2005 it has today achieved a circulation of 40,413 (Audit Bureau of Circulations July December 08). SUBSCRIPTION ABPs foray into electronic media began with ABP News the leading 24-hour national news and current affairs television channel in Hindi. ABP News was made an official member of the ABP family on September 19, 2003. Broadcasted by Media Content and Communications Services (MCCS) a joint venture between the ABP Group and ABP, it has swiftly come into its own as a leader in the Indian news business setting the agenda for others to follow. Positioned as the peoples channel, ABP News focuses on relevant news in a cutting-edge format. Since its inception, the 24-hour Hindi news channel has grown to command a significant viewership and is the first and only global Indian news channel. With an accent on reporting news that impacts its viewers, ABP News aims to fulfill its mission of Aapko Rakhe Aagey and represent the realities and aspirations of the people. As a guiding philosophy, ABP News believes in reporting news that is relevant and makes a difference to its viewers lives. Novel programming and Breaking News are hallmarks of the channel. Apart from reporting news in India, its links with international news agencies enable the channel to deliver international news as it happens. With top programmes such as ABP Savera, Satyameva Jayate, City 60, National Reporter, Wah Cricket, Sansani and Pol Khol, ABP News ensures its viewers are fully informed and engaged. Channel Highlights ABP News network includes its headquarters in Mumbai, its New Delhi Super Bureau and its 16 bureaus across India. Journalists on ABP News are well-known to Indian audiences. They have not only earned a reputation for courage, commitment and credibility, but are also charged with a mission to bring viewers news that counts first and in-depth. ABP News has invested considerably in technology to enhance its live broadcast capability and quality of telecast. Supported by a convoy of News Mobiles the largest and most sophisticated fleet among news channels in India, ABP News can transmit live from any location, any time in its quest to keep its viewer better informed, first. ABP News, with its incisive packaging, provides an excellent platform and reach for partner brands. Popular Programmes Pehli Khabar: A first glimpse at the news from around the world as early as 5 am ABP Savera: Late morning news bulletin focusing on people, sports, politics, crime, etc Satyameva Jayate: Prime-time news bulletin telecast which does a forensic analysis of the top news stories and its effect on viewers lives National Reporter: Showcases the daily headlines and probes into the political, financial and legal developments of the day Operation Vijay: Commentary on the Indian cricket teams preparations for the 2007 World Cup Fund Ka Funda: Latest news on the various funds in the market, their ratings and a showcase of portfolio case studies City 60: Comprehensive coverage of the days news from major cities of India Sansani: Investigative bulletin providing a daily account of the latest news from the world of crime, across the country Pol Khol: Popular show featuring political satire Khel Khel Mein: Sports bulletin covering cricket, football, hockey, racing, etc Khabar Hamari, Faisla Aapka: A 24-hour viewer feedback show that allows people to call in and express their views, opinions, suggestions or queries on any news story Yeh Bharat Desh Hai Mera: ABPk, raw and gripping, the programme highlights an absorbing human-interest issue of the day Benaqaab: Bold and new programming initiative of ABP News, it threatens to blow the cover off the corrupt in any nook and cranny 24 Ghante 24 Reporter: Crisp, fast-paced pioneering effort in news programming. This bulletin delivers 24 stories in 30 minutes in a rapid-fire, reporter-led, never before attempted format at 10 pm on weekdays In just three years, ABP News has been studded with commendable achievements and milestones. Path-breaking stories such as the Mumbai floods, the Shankaracharya controversy, an exclusive interview with Abu Salems spouse, Samira Jumani, and the MP (LAD) sting operation Chakravyuvh, are just some of the efforts that have given ABP News instant recall in the minds of viewers. ABP News footprints extend across South East Asia, Central Asia, UK, USA and Australia. The channel has set precedents in investigative journalism, lateral programming and unique on-ground properties that have been widely accepted by its viewers and predicated a change in the news business. ABP News ACTVE, Indias first television news channel on an interactive platform, is now available on the TATA Sky DTH (direct-to-home) service. Unilever. Prime Minister and Chancellor tour Port Sunlight hub London - Prime Minister David Cameron and Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne today visited the Unilever hub in Port Sunlight to see first-hand how investments in innovation, manufacturing and information technology are creating an unparalleled global hub in the heart of the North West. The investment programme reinforces the sustainable growth strategy of the company in the UK and abroad and sees the opening of a new global IT centre, the creation of a new personal care factory and several new RampD facilities and initiatives involving key partners, institutes and the UK Government. The investment has resulted in around one third of the companys 7,500 strong UK workforce now being located at Port Sunlight, the historic home of Unilever. The Prime Minister and Chancellor were escorted by Unilever UK representatives on a tour of the new state-of-the-art factory due to open later this year as the new home for the TRESemmeacute and Radox brands. They also met with Unilever apprentices before taking part in an employee question and answer session in the recently completed IT centre which they formally opened today. Prime Minister David Cameron said: Backing business to create jobs and build a more resilient economy is a key part of our long-term economic plan. Unilevers decision to invest pound200 million into their Port Sunlight hub secures jobs for the future and is fantastic news for the region and a vote of confidence in the UK. Unilever UK and Ireland Executive Chairman, Graeme Pitkethly, said: Unilevers presence in Port Sunlight goes back over 125 years - it is the historic home of our company which today operates in more than 190 countries. With everyday products and much-loved brands produced here and found in nine out of ten British households, our pound200 million investment into Unilever Port Sunlight will provide a platform for growth from which our business in the UK and across the globe can benefit for years to come. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to show the Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer the investments made and to demonstrate Port Sunlights continued strategic importance as we look to the future and continue to build on the Lever legacy. A key element to the investment programme is the development of new science and technologies. In order to accelerate this, a range of partnerships and initiatives have been established, examples of which include the Materials Innovation Factory, the Advanced Manufacturing Centre and Materials Institute. These are in tandem with key strategic partnerships with The University of Liverpool, Manchester University and Daresbury Institute, home to one of the worlds most powerful computers. Notes for the editor Unilever Port Sunlight is home to factories that produce famous brands such as Persil, Surf and Radox Unilever Port Sunlight RampD centre is home to over 800 scientists from across 20 countries who are working on innovating the next generation of Home Care and Personal Care products for brands such as Dove, Persil, Comfort, TRESemmeacute and Domestos The investment includes the newly relocated global IT hub, the Enterprise and Technology Services ETS Centre. Unilever has committed pound65 million to the new Materials Innovation Factory in Liverpool The announcement comes as Unilever reports the doubling of its apprenticeships to around 130, thirty of whom are based within the Port Sunlight hub 70 per cent of Unilever products sold in the UK are manufactured in the UK Adam Fisher, Unilever Corporate Media Relations 44 (0)207 822 5082 or adam. fisherunilever Katya Bridges UK amp Ireland Media Relations Manager

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